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Comparison of cloud mining and hardware mining


Decreasing hash power will also have less profit.

How do mining pools work?
All participants in a mining pool share their computing resources to increase the probability of creating a block in the cryptocurrency blockchain. Creating a new block in the blockchain requires solving complex cryptographic puzzles. If pool participants succeed in registering and creating blocks, they receive a reward. This reward is usually in the form of digital currency that has been mined. In other words, the amount they receive depends on the processing power with which they participated in the pool.

Determining the mining pool reward
Each mining pool has a difficulty level. This degree of difficulty is evaluated between one and the difficulty level of digital currency mining. Each miner receives a reward from the pool based on the number of shares he has.

Of course, some collections may use a different reward model. For example, consider the maximum amount of subscription payment as a share.

Profitability of cloud mining
This method of mining has a significant profit, although initial costs such as renting miners and mining pools will reduce your profit. But in this way, it is a profitable income method. However, some analysts believe that it is better to trade instead of mining digital currency. For more information, you can refer to the cryptocurrency trading or mining article and examine their differences.

Your profit depends on the power of the miners used by the pools and the state of the market. By market state, for example, if you choose to store your bitcoins in fiat money such as US dollars instead of selling them, you will be exposed to fluctuations in the price of bitcoins.

Finally, all coins in the market fluctuate. Therefore, if you can increase the rental hash power over time, you will be far away from these fluctuations.

How is Bitcoin mining done?
Bitcoin is one of the best currencies to be mined by high-powered computers that solve complex mathematical computational problems. In the mining process, after a new block of transactions is added to the blockchain, miners must also confirm the authenticity of these transactions. In other words, Bitcoin miners must check that the transaction is not duplicated. This review is done with the help of the unique feature of digital currencies called "double spend".

Bitcoin mining is the process by which new bitcoins enter the cycle. It is also the method by which the network verifies new transactions and is a critical component of maintaining and developing the blockchain ledger. In the mining process, the first computer to find the solution to the problem registers the next block of bitcoins and receives the reward, and the same process repeats itself.

The reward miners receive is an incentive that encourages people to contribute to the main goal of Cloud Mining; It means legalizing and monitoring Bitcoin transactions and ensuring their validity.

Cloud mining, an easy way to participate and get rewarded
In this article, we talked about Cloud Mining, its working method, its advantages and disadvantages. We also learned why mining is an important pillar in the world of digital currencies and what is its importance in the Bitcoin network.

With the advancement of technology, we should expect new achievements every day that will make it easier for us to connect with the world of cryptocurrency. Do you have experience using cloud mining services? What do you think is the best way to mine cryptocurrencies?